Big Trouble in Little Changes

I was making a few changes today when I ran across this snippet of code. It bothers me. /bin/mkdir /var/lib/docker /bin/mount /dev/Volume00/docker_lv /var/lib/docker echo “/dev/Volume00/docker_lv /var/lib/docker ext4 defaults 1 2″ >> /etc/fstab “Why does it bother you, Bob?” you might ask. “They’re just mounting a filesystem.” My problem is that any change that affects booting is high risk, because fixing startup problems is a real pain. And until the system reboots the person who executes this won’t know that it works. If it doesn’t work it’ll stop during the boot, sitting there waiting for someone with a root password to come fix it. So you’ll have to get a console on the machine and dig up the root password. Then …

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Changing vCenter Operations Manager vApp IP Addresses

I needed to renumber one of my VMware vCenter Operations Manager 5.6 instances and it’s not immediately clear how to do it. It isn’t like the other virtual appliances VMware delivers. Here’s how I got it done, with some encouragement from Matt H. in VMware Support. It also seems to me someone wrote this up recently, but I could not find it. If that was you please leave me a comment with a link to your work. 1. Shut it all down. Take a snapshot of the individual VMs. I ended up having to revert to the snapshot, so that was nice. Remember that if you revert it reverts the VM config, too. 2. Edit the properties of the vC …

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