links for 2006-03-16

Photo Gallery Templates IBM Software Support RSS Feeds (tags: ibm support) Banned from WoW for using a programmable keyboard This is right up there with DMCA takedowns. (tags: gaming WoW)

ClearType Tuning

I just got a new PC. It’s a Dell Dimension 9150, dual core CPU, 2 GB of RAM, dual mirrored SATA-II disks. Awesome. But practically the biggest improvement over my old machine is a pair of 19″ 1905FP flat-panel LCD monitors. My old pair of 19″ CRTs took up so much of my desk space that the switch has given me square feet of my desk back. Nice. One thing about LCDs, though — the nature of the pixels in the LCDs makes some of my fonts look crappy. Microsoft’s ClearType makes them smooth, but it’s a false smooth, and they just look fuzzy then. Luckily, I just found the ClearType tuning tool, so I can change it so I …

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Jars of String

It’s been another busy week here (and I promise some new sysadmin material next week — God knows I have plenty of topics from the last couple weeks). Sometime this week my RSS reader went nuts and crosslinked a bunch of blogs. As I was sorting it out I ran across an older post over at that I hadn’t read yet. Her blurb about her grandfather’s jar labeled “pieces of string too short to use” reminds me of my dad. His jars of washers, bolts, wingnuts, springs, etc. still power little projects and fixits around my mom’s house. Heh. Today would have been his 60th birthday, actually.

Bye Kirby

My Minnesota Twins cap replaced my Widespread Panic hat yesterday morning, in celebration of spring training. As a kid I wasn’t really into sports, but with no compelling sports teams in the southern Wisconsin area I’ve found myself really following the Twins. Maybe it’s one of those things where you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. I’m guessing it’ll be like that for friends of Kirby Puckett. He certainly had some problems, especially after he retired. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to wake up blind one day, and have to give up the job you love and are so good at. But it sounds like he was just starting to get things under control again, getting …

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I Just Don't Dig on Swine

“I was just sitting here, eating my muffin, drinking my coffee, when I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity.” – Jules, Pulp Fiction. That’s what happens with me. I relax, and suddenly I know what I need to do. And if I’m really relaxed it might not involve a flamethrower. 🙂

links for 2006-03-07

Layout Gala: a collection of 40 CSS layouts based on the same markup and ready for download! (tags: css layout design) | My sysadmin toolbox (tags: linux tools sysadmin) AIGLX, metacity, nvidia and Xgl There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking something and working on it really hard on your own. Sometimes doing the “community” thing is more like “too many cooks spoil the soup.” If you have a vision, go with it. (tags: linux desktop technology) tecosystems: Speed is a Feature Heck yeah. Given a fast service versus a more feature-rific but slow one, I pick speed, and I’ll just work around the lack of features. (tags: productivity software) Parallax : Calculating Technology’s Future: I Pity The Fool …

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Keeping Up

When you use software or hardware that you didn’t invent yourself you have to budget time to keep up with that vendor. If you are an IT manager you need to make sure that you have budgeted time and money for your staff to keep up, and that they are keeping up. From time to time vendors change their documentation, especially best practices documents. They don’t tell you when things change and unless you are looking for the changes you won’t see them. I’ve been caught by this a number of times. Recently I helped with an effort to resolve some storage problems we were having, and in the process discovered some discrepancies between our procedures and what the vendor …

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“When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” – Claudius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

links for 2006-03-06

ACM Ubiquity – WHY FEATURES DON’T MATTER ANYMORE: THE NEW LAWS OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (tags: features software) Sylvie Lewis (tags: music) briana winter (tags: music) Introverts of the World, Unite! PARK(ing) (tags: art humor design pollution activism urban) The Office Chart That Really Counts (tags: management business)

links for 2006-03-05

Warren Buffet’s Letter to his Shareholders – 2005 (tags: money financial stocks) One Billion Page Views I like this. Someday I will do something like this, and I’d hope others link to me. Hell, I wish people would link to me now. *sniff sniff* 🙂 (tags: gimmicks)