Little Stuff

I’ve been pretty burnt out lately. Lots of stuff going on and very little of me to go around. And I think I’m getting sick. When I get this way I start feeling like a worthless piece of crap because I can’t get anything done. This is what Joel Spolsky was talking about in his “Fire and Motion” post. Like he says, the trick is just getting started, on something. So I started on little stuff. I upgraded our Tasks Pro installation to version 1.6.2. The latest version will check an IMAP or POP3 mailbox. Our copy of Tasks Pro has its own VMware virtual Red Hat box so it was painless to install an IMAP server, get sendmail listening, …

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links for 2006-04-03

The Internet Hash Project (tags: humor security sysadmin) Learn Digital Photography (tags: photography tips) Search — Discovery Channel Store The TLC “Life Lessons” figurines are funny. “Merlot and Email Don’t Mix” strikes home. (tags: humor)

links for 2006-04-01

All Things Distributed: A Word on Scalability (tags: performance scalability scaling sysadmin) 51 LED flashlight. Holy crap.

links for 2006-03-31

Ongoing Maintenance and Rewards of a Prairie Garden /home/david :: Scripts Particletree · 10 Tips To A Better Form Ajaxian Ajaxian » 6 Places You Must Use Ajax

links for 2006-03-30 It’s a bad time to start a company (tags: blogs management technology business) Selling Out – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals) (tags: business strategy) Cool Hunting: Gorillapod (tags: photography photos) Cool Tool: Super White LED Lamp Product (tags: led light tools) – Products – Refrigerators / Freezers (tags: design cigars wine) Andrew Hunt: “Leave room for emergence” [a Getting Real excerpt] – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals) (tags: business design software technology) Forbes: The 20 Most Important Tools – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals) (tags: tools software)

Spamming Bastards

Okay, you comment spamming clowns. Because of you I’ve set it to moderate any comment with more than zero URLs in it. Grrrr.

The Customer is Always Idiotic

“Hey Bob, can you talk to a customer about upgrading his backup client?” We run Tivoli Storage Manager for a backup system, and we resell the service to customers. We are in the midst of upgrading to TSM 5.3, and we just informed all the customers that they need to be running a recent client. Recent, to us, means versions 5.2 or 5.3, which represent the last five years of TSM development. IBM doesn’t support older versions of the clients, so to ensure that we can resolve any problems that crop up we ask that people upgrade from time to time. Most of our customers just have us upgrade their clients for them as part of our contracts with them. …

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