VMware ESX Server 3.0.2

VMware ESX Server 3.0.2 is out. I applied it to my test environment (two Dell PowerEdge 1850s and a 650 as the VirtualCenter server) and it appears stable. It also didn’t wipe out my NTP configuration this time, which I like. I’ll run it for two weeks with artificial loads on it to make sure nothing is seriously wrong before I deploy it to production. The release notes document some of the odd behaviour we’ve been seeing. First, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 has a problem where filesystems go read-only. This was also a problem with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and is fixed now, but the fix didn’t end up in the RHEL 5 kernel tree. That KB article …

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links for 2007-08-01

ajua Online – VistaTweaker A tweaker app for Vista Iconfactory : Freeware Free icons from Iconfactory (tags: icons) Dropping Text Link Ads – h0bbel furbo.org · One line of code Make iPhone content look better with one line of code Chief Mag » issue #4 Haruo Suekichi makes crazy steampunk watches. The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Freetards in deep denial He’s right. Linux as a desktop just ain’t what Mac OS X and Windows are. Servers are a different story.

How To Install ClamAV On Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Want to install ClamAV on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, or Fedora Core box? Their documentation is pretty darn easy to follow, but this fills in some of the missing pieces for RHEL. clamd is the scanning daemon, clamav-milter is the milter, and freshclam is the process that updates the virus definitions. All the commands, in Courier font, should be on one line if they happen to wrap. Install gmp, gmp-devel, sendmail, sendmail-cf, sendmail-devel, zlib, zlib-devel, bzip2, bzip2-devel. Get the sendmail source from sendmail.org. Extract it, go into the libmilter subdirectory. Run "make" and "make install". That will install libmilter into /usr, where sendmail can find it. No need to build the whole sendmail. groupadd clamav useradd -g clamav …

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links for 2007-07-31

Drug Test | Outside Online www.ob81.com » 6 Things You Must Do Before You Die: Geek Edition Akihabara and being first in line for a product launch are the only ones I need to do. The no-corn-syrup diet | overstated

Quote Flood

Oops, I just realized I’d “parked” a number of quote posts on 7/30/2007. I do that sometimes when I find a lot of quotes I think might be fun to post, but want to wait until they are more relevant to recent topics. Apparently today is 7/30. Oops. Heh. I’m always looking for good non-sysadmin-but-relevant-to-sysadmin quotes. Know any? Leave them in the comments!

Bobcasting? Bobcasting!

Four people now have sent me the link to Seth Godin’s “Bobcasting” post.[0] “I call it that because instead of reaching the masses, it’s just about reaching Bob.” As a guy named Bob I couldn’t agree more. 🙂 In all seriousness, though, his idea is dead on. The key is control. End-user control. Most information doesn’t need to be a popup, an email, or an instant message. It just needs to be out there so that when I’m ready for it I can get it. As a sysadmin I see this a lot with folks building email alerts into everything. Some of my coworkers get hundreds of status email messages a week, saying everything is good and reporting statistics like …

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Think Different, All Together

“The surest way to corrupt a young man is to teach him to esteem more highly those who think alike than those who think differently.” — Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche


“A passive-aggressive person is like a large Great Dane that’s got you pinned to the wall with his front paws and is licking your face, while he pees on your leg.” — John Bradshaw