You Know It Was Talk Like A Pirate Day…

You know it was “Talk Like a Pirate Day” yesterday when you find a receipt in your jacket with GROG on it: How much grog do you get for $20? Too much, according to some. Though one scurvy dog did utter “that wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting.” Next year we’re going to try that bumboo stuff.

links for 2007-09-19

Optimus Maximus keyboard I totally want one of these. Can someone suggest how I justify the $1500? PLEASE?!? Compiling Nagios Plugins and NRPE on Solaris 10 with Sun Studio whitepaper-opsview_sun_fire_t2000.pdf (application/pdf Object) Scott H Young » The Critical 7 Rules To Understand People VirtualOctane – The Formula for Virtualization Success :: InovaWave – We Make Virtualization Work This looks interesting. It also looks like something VMware will squash eventually. Rising Email Immunity Leads to Conflict over Email Etiquette « Web Worker Daily I hate my email. Do Anything: 3 Steps for Success « Internet Duct Tape “Be happy” is always the first step. » You don’t need a plan, you need skills and a problem. I am not sure …

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VMworld 2007: Mendel Rosenblum

Mendel Rosenblum is one of the founders of VMware, chief scientist, and husband of VMware CEO Diane Greene. As such he’s got a lot of pull, getting his continuing vision of virtualization and systems management made reality. He’ll be speaking in a few minutes out at VMworld 2007 in San Francisco. I’ll be liveblogging it in this post, so keep refreshing and I’ll keep posting. 8:30 AM – General session hall, Moscone Center halls B & C. Pop music playing, green and blue lights and graphics. As with the other liveblogging sessions a big thanks goes out to the VMware Community team for setting up tables, Ethernet connections, and power for us bloggers. Those guys are great and have really …

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VMworld: Liveblogging Mendel Rosenblum

Hey all. It’s been a busy couple of days here at VMworld, and over the next day or so I’ll be transposing my notes from the sessions into the blog. If you missed yesterday’s keynote by John Chambers of Cisco (I did — my iPhone locked up and the alarm didn’t go off, which is under investigation) there’s coverage over at the VMTN blog, and links to a number of other guys who liveblogged it. In a few minutes I’ll be liveblogging Mendel Rosenblum’s keynote. Stay tuned.

VMworld: VMworld 2007 Keynote

Welcome to my coverage of the VMworld 2007 keynote. We’re expecting interesting things today, announcements that will change the landscape of enterprise computing on both technical and business process fronts. Should be interesting. I’ll be updating this post, liveblogging style, as we go. 7:57 AM – Waiting to start. Loud rock music playing for the nearly 10,000 attendees. We’re in Moscone South, halls B & C. A big thanks goes out to John Troyer and the rest of the VMware Communities team who have set up tables with ethernet, power, and other friendly bloggers. 🙂 VMware rivals Apple in rabid fan base and it’s those guys who keep it going. If you’re out at VMworld 2007 stop by the VMware …

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VMworld: Keynote Blogging

Hey all, I’m sitting at the VMworld keynote right now, as it gets ready to kick off. Stay tuned and I, along with a whole bunch of guys, will be liveblogging it.

Steve Fossett, Jim Gray… Atlas Shrugged?

Amazon has started a Mechanical Turk search for Steve Fossett, like they did with Jim Gray. If you have a few minutes please head over and look through a few photos. It does make me think of Atlas Shrugged, though, where the people who ran, invented, or otherwise did everything just quit. And in some cases flew out west and disappeared in the mountains to start their own community.