I Just Don't Dig on Swine

“I was just sitting here, eating my muffin, drinking my coffee, when I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity.” – Jules, Pulp Fiction. That’s what happens with me. I relax, and suddenly I know what I need to do. And if I’m really relaxed it might not involve a flamethrower. 🙂


“When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” – Claudius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.


“I value your opinion because you have an even lower tolerance for B.S. than I do.” These are words I never would have guessed I’d hear, especially from a manager.

Crazy Chinese Wisdom

The contents of a fortune cookie at lunch today read: “No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.” If I ever start a campaign against teamwork that’ll be my slogan. Sorry it’s been a little slow around here this week. I’ve been burnt out, and simultaneously working 70 hours. Writing is one of my my creative outlets, and lately I’ve just wanted to go home and sleep.

William Blake

There are a few blogs that I read, well, just to read them. I like to think that maybe some people read my blog for that reason once in a while. One of these blogs is caterina.net. I don’t know how I found her blog once upon a time, but hey, she’s got a good quote today: “I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man’s.” – William Blake Right-on.

Vilhjalmur Stefanson

I first heard this one uttered by Jon Krakauer on Nova’s Mountain of Ice “Adventure is a sign of incompetence.” – Vilhjalmur Stefanson