iPhone & Airport Express?

Wouldn’t it be cool if the iPhone could stream to Airport Express base stations? Like the one in my living room, attached to my stereo? Just sayin’, that’s all.

Posting To rottenneighbor.com Considered Harmful

I just read Lifehacker’s coverage of rottenneighbor.com. A few things stand out to me: Anybody can post anything to that site, so it isn’t clear where the problem lies. Is the problem with the neighbor or with the person doing the complaining? Both sides of the story are not represented. Neighbors you don’t get along with might be just fine for someone else. There doesn’t appear to be any way to retract, dispute, or remove data from the system. So if your neighbor moves the record will continue to stick around. Just think of how this works for apartments, too, especially in high-turnover areas like around colleges and universities (such as when the complaint comes from immature, drunken, partying college …

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You Know It Was Talk Like A Pirate Day…

You know it was “Talk Like a Pirate Day” yesterday when you find a receipt in your jacket with GROG on it: How much grog do you get for $20? Too much, according to some. Though one scurvy dog did utter “that wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting.” Next year we’re going to try that bumboo stuff.

Steve Fossett, Jim Gray… Atlas Shrugged?

Amazon has started a Mechanical Turk search for Steve Fossett, like they did with Jim Gray. If you have a few minutes please head over and look through a few photos. It does make me think of Atlas Shrugged, though, where the people who ran, invented, or otherwise did everything just quit. And in some cases flew out west and disappeared in the mountains to start their own community.

VMworld: San Francisco, I Love Thee

I’ve been in San Francisco for one whole day now, and I’m having a blast. Here are some suggestions if you’re in town and looking for something to do. New Delhi Restaurant I like Indian food. A lot. My friend Bob turned me on to Rogan Josh and I’ve never had it better than at this place. Really tender lamb, spiced very well, and the garlic nan was good. Some of the nan was a little charred, but that just adds to the flavor, in my opinion. They were really busy when I got there so I ate at the bar. They don’t have a huge beer selection, but you know, that’s okay. 🙂 Sweeney Todd at the American Conservatory …

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I Can't Believe I Just Did This

So I was walking past the San Francisco Apple Store, and I walked in, and I started talking with the guys in there, and I fooled around with the demo models, and I started thinking about how I’m getting paid for some theater work I’ve done, and the prices went down, and they are damn cool, and it’s been three years since I got a cool gadget for myself. Heh.

VMworld: Google Doesn't Map The Hilton Correctly

If you’re going to VMworld and staying in the Hilton, don’t rely on Google Maps for directions. It thinks that 333 O’Farrell St. is Redwood Alley. Instead, the hotel is actually very close to the Powell St. BART station, making transit to the hotel cheap from SFO ($5.15 rather than a $40 cab ride). This is actually where you want to go (if you can’t see the map use this link instead): View Larger Map If you’re interested in taking the BART take the Dublin/Pleasanton train to Powell St. Takes about 30 minutes and is way cheaper than a cab. I made a sample schedule for myself at www.bart.gov.

VMworld Changed My Hotel

On my list of things I didn’t need today: VMworld changed my hotel from the Handlery to the Hilton. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, but I want to stay a couple extra days beyond what my employer is paying for. So I’d made reservations for the 8th and the 14th on my own. It was $194 a night, which I consider a bit expensive for one guy, but I wouldn’t have to change rooms then. So I called the Hilton to see if I could get a room on the 8th and 14th. Sure, for $490 a night. Ouch. Since I’d have to change hotels anyhow I opted to go with a cheaper option, the Air Travel Hotel, …

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Wisconsin vs. Washington State

The view from the press box at Camp Randall Stadium, Madison, WI (via my phone): I’m doing telecommunications support, and will be on the sidelines for the actual game. Definitely one of the fun parts of my job.

Good Old FORTRAN 77

I walk up to a conversation a few of my coworkers are having. It’s a typical old guy to young guy “you don’t know how good you have it” speech. “…well, complain all you want, you should have been around to endure the misery of punch cards,” the older admin comments to two students we just hired. “Yeah, I don’t think those would have been much fun,” comments one of the young guys. “If you want a taste of the misery you could always program in FORTRAN 77,” I add. “Why’s that?” “FORTRAN 77 was built to read programs from punch cards. Punch cards used the first seven columns as control information, to indicate line continuation, etc. So when you …

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