links for 2006-01-27

Free Online Graph Paper / Grid Paper PDFs (tags: gadgets tools technology paper graph free) 4020 Φ NSW Photographer’s Rights (tags: censorship privacy photography)

links for 2006-01-26

JESUS SWIMMING BY MILTOS MANETAS If you mouseover his feet and hands there’s blood in the water. Um, yeah. (tags: wtf weird flash humor) … Life In Still Mode … New York Damage Blathering in the Blogosphere Amen. Again, Yahoo! and Google are two different companies, with two different business strategies. Tying the entire post-bubble stock market to them is retarded. Thank you, Caterina. (tags: google yahoo search) Amr Awadallah Blog»Blog Archive » Google will miss 2005-Q4 quarter revenue estimates. (tags: google yahoo) » Blog Archive » What do I do? InfoWorld runs on LAMP (tags: LAMP linux mysql) Motion Picture Ass. of America makes ass of itself | The Register (tags: censorship MPAA cheating) You still …

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links for 2006-01-25

German court orders shutdown of Wikipedia | The Register I don’t like what you are saying so I got some court to make you stop. And, in the course of this 4.2 billion people just read the article that says things I don’t want you to read. Think Pyrric victory. (tags: censorship wikipedia) Yahoo! gives up quest for search dominance This is exactly what I was saying — Google and Yahoo! have different business plans. (tags: yahoo google search)

links for 2006-01-24

How to Be a Curmudgeon on the Internet – New York Times (tags: humor internet) Cut the Cord: USB Runs Free with Freescale – Gizmodo (tags: gadgets USB wireless technology) The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager (tags: delicious tools tags) Read/WriteWeb: Yahoo The Imitator? (tags: yahoo) Next Generation – Why PC Gamer Kicked Out Gold Farmers Thank god. These bastards are destroying online gaming. (tags: gaming WoW cheating) Taking RSS Beyond Headlines : Part One Niyaz – MidEastern Electronica (tags: music bands niyaz) Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab: Yahoo is an Imitator (tags: yahoo google) Om Malik on Broadband : » Yahoo, Google & Web 2.0 Reality Check (tags: google yahoo) Don Dodge on The …

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