links for 2006-07-02

sourcherryfarm / ‘The Best Chicken I’ve Had In 20 Years.’ (tags: food grilling) Moving Right Along: Mini Stair Descent Tutorial, Illustrated I found this while Googling for something else. This tutorial is great, especially the obstacle avoidance. Mirror box relieves phantom limb pain? – Amputee Forum Phantom limb pain NOVA Online | Secrets of the Mind | From Ramachandran’s Notebook (5) Handy to know. | MetaFilter The Vision Thing: Mainly in the Brain – – science news articles online technology magazine articles The Vision Thing: Mainly in the Brain

links for 2006-06-20

CBC News: Study dishes the dirt on hygiene’s role in disease DUH. People who are not exposed to germs and dirt and stuff have bodies that are incapable of dealing with them. (tags: health science)

links for 2006-06-04

Intel Activates Xeon Virtualization Tech Interesting quote in here about spending $40K per 100 servers for power and cooling ROFLCOPTER!!!1 (tags: flash games)

links for 2006-06-01

Aharef: Websites as graphs (tags: web visualization design) Richard K Miller dot coooooooooom » Password protecting MediaWiki with mod_auth_mysql (tags: wiki password sysadmin)