links for 2007-03-16

RIP Twitter (2007-2007) « web1979 Amen. A few months ago I mentioned that I see no point, no value in Twitter. Anybody that needs to know my status can check my IM status. Sphinx – Free open-source SQL full-text search engine Clean CSS – A Resource for Web Designers – Optmize and Format your CSS clonespy – Features Find duplicate files (I mention this in the notes so I can find it again with a search) Girl finds missing dog’s head in box on doorstep – WTF. Well, I guess I have had feelings like that for other people’s annoying pets, but geez. Someone’s been watching Seven.

links for 2007-03-14

Feld Thoughts – Daylight Savings Time is Stupid Yup. The more intelligent thing to do, IMHO, is to just move the whole year an hour ahead and be done with it. Nomadishere : Seeker of Truth » Blog Archive » A Note To Employers: 8 Things Intelligent People, Geeks and Nerds Need To Work Happily Seth’s Blog: Good is not almost as good as great Internet Outsider: ISPs Are Selling Your Clickstreams! This crap should be illegal.

links for 2007-03-13

Sigma APO 200 – 500 mm F2.8 lens: Digital Photography Review Holy light buckets Batman. You’d need a scissor lift for a tripod.

links for 2007-03-07 MyBlogLog Snafu, Identity and Resurrection [ECHENG.COM] Eric Cheng’s Journal » “You must have a nice camera.” II Windows Vista: I’m Breaking up with You ~ Chris Pirillo One thing PC users can do that Mac users can’t… O’Reilly Radar > Another War We’re Not Winning: Us vs Spam Passion Has No Place In The Workplace | Wise Bread “More importantly, passionate people make stupid mistakes. Passion is defined as “violent, intense, overwhelming feeling.” Just what you want in an employee, a nut.” Help Key: How-To Fix an iPod that Won’t Boot octopi_party: Cthulhu doll. Leather. defective yeti: On Call (tags: humor) The Old New Thing : If you have to ask, you’re probably doing something wrong AMEN Adaptive …

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links for 2007-03-06

Installing Windows XP Pro on 8MHz PC with 20MB RAM – Download Squad mod_evasive – Apache httpd anti-DoS attack Feed the Freezer! Complete Freezer Cooking Guide – OrganizedHome.Com 7 Helpful Tips To Immediately Increase Your Confidence Free printable cardboard lens hoods 5 Common Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb | Copyblogger Amen, brother. Also add loose vs. lose, and too, two, and to. Note From Boss To Employees

links for 2007-03-02

Failure Trends in a Large Disk Drive Population Disk failures in the real world Creating Passionate Users: Are our tools making us dumber? (tags: writeabout)

links for 2007-02-13

Web Worker Daily » Blog Archive 27 Tips for Teleconferencing « Andy’s Organ Project Homemade Pipe Organ My homebrew pipe organ Photo Matt » PHP5 Issues Amen. I hate, hate, hate it when I can’t move customers forward to newer releases of things like PHP because all the old stuff breaks. Major versions are where you remove things, not .X releases.

links for 2007-01-30

(mt) Media Temple – (mt) weblog » Blog Archive » Anatomy of MySQL on the GRID Getting MySQL to scale can sometimes be daunting.

links for 2007-01-29

So sue me » Blog Archive » iHandcuffs “…Apple is applying FairPlay to files from record labels that do not require DRM…” – brainstorming with style

links for 2007-01-27

Toddler’s Temper Ousts Family From Plane | Chicago Tribune Yeah, the kid is an angel according to the parents, who won’t discipline them at all. Seen this before as a Boy Scout Assistant Scoutmaster. Note to parents: your kid is a terror.