links for 2007-05-17

cocktail builder: what cocktails can you make from ingredients in your bar? Hot damn, awesome site. I like the feature where it’ll tell you what you still need to make certain cocktails.

links for 2007-05-15

ongoing · Four Words for Microsoft Amen, brother. Either do something or shut up. MS should also realize that when they start this war there will be a big search for ideas implemented in MS products that started in OSS and are GPLed…

links for 2007-05-10

Queueing Theory Basics Icons – Lifehacker (tags: revisit) Fonts: The top 500 fonts on the Web – Lifehacker (tags: revisit) Bug 191336: Netfilter TCP retransmission bug causes connection tracking problems A Giraffe, an Elephant, and a Refrigerator (by Jeremy Zawodny) (tags: funny)

links for 2007-05-09

Google Code – Updates: Google releases patches that enhance the manageability and reliability of MySQL 33 Rules to Boost Your Productivity » From Geek to Freak: How I Gained 34 lbs. of Muscle in 4 Weeks phil ringnalda : What Do You Do When Someone Steals Your Content « Lorelle on WordPress SmugBlog: Don MacAskill » Blog Archive » The Perfect DB Storage Array LAMP Capacity Planning grepmail homepage Dennis Hurst’s Blog : PCI v1.1 Section 6.6 (a bit of clarification please)

links for 2007-05-08

Ext3cow is an open-source, versioning file system based on ext3 – Brutal Soft Toys (tags: funny) Active Shooter Safety Tips (from UCLA) “If they do start shooting people, you need to make a choice, (at this point it is your choice) stay still and hope they don’t shoot you, run for an exit while zigzaging, or even attack the shooter.” – Good advice here.

links for 2007-04-28

Hacking Your Body’s Bacteria for Better Health – It’s awesome to see an article confirming what I’ve been saying for many years — sterile environments are not healthy for us, and especially detrimental to kids. I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Mean Time Between Failures | PBS Great, so now when an overzealous algorithm by some CS dropout dubs me “angry” or “disturbed” my insurance rates will go up, my life insurance policies will get canceled, and I’ll lose my job. No thanks. – Maintenance Popup Check the maintenance bulletins on your vehicle. My Jeep has 159 of them. It’s just like patching an OS, except it costs more. This is going to be BIG! – Top Ten Reasons …

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links for 2007-04-25

Anil Dash: Cats Can Has Grammar » why I will read your blog but not watch your video | Vanessa Fox. Nude.

links for 2007-04-24

Google Operating System: Google Ads Used as Malware Warnings Panic – Coda – One-Window Web Development for Mac OS X Props to the Panic guys for releasing Coda. On my list of things to try tomorrow.

links for 2007-04-23

WorldNetDaily: 25 years murder-free in ‘Gun Town USA’ Sun SPARC Enterprise M9000 Server – Overview It took Sun 25 years to compete with IBM. I completely agree with Jonathan Schwartz, though, there are some problems that are better solved with just a single big machine. Matasano Chargen » BMC Response To ZDI: It’s Magically Litigious! Well, I guess if I get to decide, I won’t ever buy anything from BMC. jwz – main screen turn on Glad to see people in the U.K. being sheep. How long until they have a little revolution of their own? Seth’s Blog: Carefully designed to make you look stupid “That’s the primary function of the apostrophe–to expose apostrophe ignorance.” Apostrophe ignorance drives me nuts. …

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