links for 2008-02-02

Think Illegal Downloading is Free? Nice commentary on stupid dorm posters. — How not to handle trolls “What I don’t like about this system is that it shuts people out of the system but doesn’t let them know they’ve been shut out.” So add code to display a note telling them they’ve been shut out. End of story.

links for 2008-02-01

EDGE down – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) I dunno, the EDGE network seems damn spry to me right now. Maybe it’s because nobody can use it. 🙂 lilmissnever: One day, when it is safe, I will write a Great rant. Bloggasm: Was it good for you? » International Delete Your Myspace Account Day is here! Heck yeah, deleted my account. Lamby’s Blog » Blog Archive » “Can you get cp to give a progress bar like wget?” Props on the hack, but I might just have used “rsync –progress” Schneier on Security: Gun Slips Through TSA Airport Checkpoint “What is this supposed to teach?” — Listen, people, you live in a police state and the punishments don’t fit the …

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links for 2008-01-31

Savage Love – January 30, 2008 | The A.V. Club “I am writing because I recently found out that my dad has a problem with online porn. My dad is clueless with technology, …it is really f***ing up our at-home system and embarrasses us whenever someone else uses the computer.” Answer given: use a VM. Bridge Tracker: Check the bridges you cross – Bridge Inspections – Freaking cool tool to see the bridge status on a route.

links for 2008-01-30

Introducing Prologue « I wonder if there’s a way for me to integrate this into the way my group works… We have a sort of homemade Twitter system that acts as an in/out board. Emerson cranks voltage to 480 on server power distribution — Server Specs Seems like a small gain in the face of virtualization technologies. Music Blog Zeitgeist of 2007 / The Hype Machine Another DEMO ‘No, No’: The phrase “going forward…” « FoundRead “The first trouble with the phrase is that it’s almost always redundant. The sentence means exactly the same thing without it. If, on occasion, there is a need to spell out the idea of the future, we have some perfectly good words already.” …

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links for 2008-01-29

How to Work the Room « FoundRead Good tips for attending a gathering. Some are ones I’ve been practicing for a while and they work well. Top 15 Amazing Coincidences – The List Universe “The police demanded the original $600 to pass on to Fallon’s next of kin – only to discover that the new player turned out to be Fallon’s son, who had not seen his father in seven years!” Royal Pingdom » When data center cabling becomes art “We have posted pics of some truly messy data center cabling in the past, but this time we figured it was time to do the opposite: Show how some people have managed to organize cables into something close to art.” …

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links for 2008-01-26

The Pragmatic Bookshelf | List of Tips These are the tips from “The Pragmatic Programmer.” It is one of my favorite books. If you’re a system administrator you might read through and note exactly how many apply, not just to developers, but to us, too. Presenting at DEMO: 12 Do’s. 5 Don’ts. « FoundRead Good tips, not just for DEMO but for presentations in general. I absolutely agree with his five phrases you should never say, like “I guess that’s it.” I guess so. I guess I just wasted my time listening, and I guess I’m going to leave now… Ramak Fazel – Storefront for Art and Architecture – Art – New York Times “I can tell by looking at …

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links for 2008-01-24

Cheer Up, Ben: Your Economy Isn’t As Bad as This One – “Due to an extreme surplus [of withdrawals] since the announcement of the Linden Labs new policy regarding inworld banks, we have temporarily disabled the withdraw feature on ATMs until further notice,” runs on Second Life banks. Heh. Bill Clinton: ‘Screw It, I’m Running For President’ | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source “Clinton also noted that, if elected, the timing would be perfect for his family, as his wife has recently expressed a desire to move back to the D.C. area.” LOL.

links for 2008-01-23

Weblog | Oversight “All the new team members are spending their days asking your top talent to help them. So instead of writing code, your best team is spending their days doing ad-hoc, time-intensive, inefficient one-on-one mentoring.” Sysadmins see this, too. Heath Ledger, Actor, Is Found Dead at 28 – City Room – Metro – New York Times Blog “Mr. Ledger magically and mysteriously disappears beneath the skin of his lean, sinewy character. It is a great screen performance, as good as the best of Marlon Brando and Sean Penn.” Godspeed. Space Porn: Saturn Blocks Out The Sunlight “This is a total eclipse of the sun by Saturn, as seen by NASA’s Cassini space probe.” My new desktop background, trimmed …

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links for 2008-01-22

The wee flies in the iPhone soup // journal // hicksdesign “In fact, I would settle for the whole screen to become one large ‘skip’ button…” Amen, with one exception: a huge skip button and a way to change the rating of the song. When I’m walking/driving I want to mark a song as “sucks” and skip it.

links for 2008-01-21

CarCapsule the Ultimate Car Cover “The CarCapsule is a clear vinyl bubble that seals your car, truck, boat, or motorcycle completely away from the elements. Dust, dirt, condensation, even insects and prying fingers are locked out.” Strange. “Internet-related crime, like any other crime, should be reported to appropriate law enforcement investigative authorities at the local, state, federal, or international levels, depending on the scope of the crime.” Internet Safety: Cyber911 Emergency – Cyberstalking and Harassment Startup Developers: Telling Schmucks from Superstars (5 min quiz) “If you answered ‘Yes’ to all of the above, you are probably a startup development superstar.” I need to write one of these for system administrators. VMotion in 3.5 DRS enabled cluster causes guest CPU …

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