links for 2008-07-07

Weight Watchers Versus Fitness Centers | Science Blog Short story shorter: Weight Watchers participants lost lean tissue, not fat, and that’s not good. “What your body is made of is more important than what you weigh.” Red Hat intros VMware hypervisor alternative based on KVM Late commentary here, but as a VMware user I’m glad Red Hat sees Citrix as being an opponent, not a partner.

links for 2008-07-05

Bay Area glider makes record-breaking flight to Mexico – Santa Cruz Sentinel Holy crap, that’s freaking cool. It Has Begun! iPhone Line Forms At NYC Apple Store (AAPL) Dear people in line, you are idiots. My opinion, of course, but it’s a freaking week. Take advantage of undocumented SQL Server iteration procedures | Servers and Storage | This is also moronic — using undocumented procedures is a great way to have all your stuff break sometime. — Ethics on a Web where links are currency I like the compromise of altering the post but not deleting it entirely. That’s what I do, even though it is my blog and my content. I don’t want to screw the folks …

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Hmm, I don’t seem to be getting any link posts nightly anymore. Looking into it. Recent links include: One of the Meerkat Manor meerkats got run over by a truck. DOH. (has spoilers) Russian long-exposure photos make people look like smoke. Cool. Getty Images has released Moodstream, which is neat for evoking thoughts. Too bad they don’t have video of IT guys stomping the crap out of computer hardware, Office Space-style. Google has a project called Obfuscated TCP, to defeat wiretapping. It’s pretty sad it’s coming to this. How long will we put up with the Big Brother crap before we rise up and smite our government? Raymond Chen has an interesting story about letting the native speaker win. …

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links for 2008-06-06

Billionaire Broadcom (BCOM) Founder Indicted For Drugging Customers and “Warehousing” Ecstasy, Meth, and Cocaine. And Stock-Option Backdating – Silicon Alley Insider What a tool.

links for 2008-06-04

Microsoft Extends XP Deadline for Low-Cost PCs – Yet another nail in Vista’s coffin. Inventor of Pringles chip can, Fredric Baur, to be buried in one LOL. Schneier on Security: Filming in DC’s Union Station “As the Amtrak spokesperson is explaining that there is no policy against photography, a guard comes up and tries to stop them from filming, saying it is against the rules.” Beautiful. McCain: I’d Spy on Americans Secretly, Too | Threat Level from “If elected president, Senator John McCain would reserve the right to run his own warrantless wiretapping program against Americans…” Anybody who votes for this guy doesn’t deserve freedom, which will be good since there won’t be much left.

links for 2008-06-03 — A Web 2.0 perspective on open government “…rather than government agencies focusing on building Web sites that provide access to government data, they should focus on providing the data itself in an open format so that it can be utilized by anyone.” I like this idea, too. Ross Mayfield’s Weblog: Provocations and Design Flaws for Management “Kevin Kelly: Productivity is for machines. If you can measure it, robots should do it.” LOL.

links for 2008-06-02

Not Cool To Call Your Teacher “Douchebag” on Your Blog, Says the US Court of Appeals – Silicon Alley Insider Yeah, as it turns out the First Amendment lets you say whatever you want, but it doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences for what you say.

links for 2008-05-30

Inside the Attack That Crippled Revision3 In short, a company working for the RIAA/MPAA (MediaDefender) decided to SYN flood Revision3 because they had an open BitTorrent tracker. Nevermind it was theirs, used to disseminate their own content. I hope they sue. Cyborgs: Obsolete Cyborg Dies in Power Outage 58 years in an iron lung? Holy crap.

links for 2008-05-28

Simulacra. | EUGENIZATION. A Personal Training Blog. “What if he’d applied the equivalent number of game-hours to playing a real guitar?” This is why I stopped playing “The Sims” many years ago. I realized I could go make real friends.

links for 2008-05-24

Royal Pingdom » Smart and funny use of Google Adwords I like the ASCII art ones. ‘Miracle’ leaves that may help protect against liver damage | Science Blog Beer, beer, sea buckthorn, beer, beer, shot, beer… Office: What’s in Your Office Survival Kit? My office survival kit is a clean blank t-shirt, pair of socks, a pair of shorts, a stick of deodorant, a toothbruth and a travel-sized toothpaste, and a comb. And a supply of antacid and ibuprofen. All designed to give me options if I spill something. Licorice extract provides new treatment option for canker sores | Science Blog Hmm, I wonder if absinthe would work, then, too… I might have to try that. Former Prosecutor: ISP Content …

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