links for 2009-01-03

Free Endangered Species Ringtones – Center for Biological Diversity This is cool — my ringtone has been green tree frogs for a long time, because nobody else has a ring like that. I'll have to check some of these out. (tags: ringtones)

links for 2009-01-02

Obama Spotted In Hawaii With iPod! (AAPL) Like, OMG! Obama listens to music! In all seriousness, I've been thinking a lot about him having to give up his Blackberry. Sure, the Presidential Records Act means the correspondence is official record, but I'd think he could figure out a way to make it work. I'd hate to have to transition from getting lots of information directly to having it all filtered and processed, but perhaps it's just an occupational hazard. Moderate Drinking Can Reduce Risks Of Alzheimer's Dementia And Cognitive Decline | Science Blog "Moderate drinkers often have lower risks of Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive loss, according to researchers who reviewed 44 studies." More proof that a little booze here …

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links for 2008-12-30

For the first time in years, western part of Lake Superior freezes over |  River Falls Journal  | River Falls, Wisconsin This is pretty neat. The animals will be able to move around between the Apostle Islands and the mainland (which basically just means the wolves will shuffle around some). Blow into the iBreath and your iPod plays a blood-alcohol alert – Los Angeles Times "Advocacy groups working to combat drunk driving worry that the iBreath might promote binge drinking and create a false sense of security." As my friend Bob points out we should ban speedometers, because knowledge of one's speed might lead to people seeing how fast they can go. I'm not an advocate of drunk driving but …

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links for 2008-12-29

Is This The New Mac Mini? No (AAPL) If a new Mac Mini can drive two monitors I'm buying one. Ice storm tests mettle of Harvard residents "Sweeney ran his refrigerator, freezer, TV, woodstove fan, and several lights through his Prius, for three days, on roughly five gallons of gas." Priuses are pretty cool like that, rolling generators and battery packs.

links for 2008-12-27

Chris's Wiki :: blog/solaris/SparcLifetime "Sun should be prepared to give up on SPARC." Yes. Ditch SPARC and start making good decisions, about a lot of things. Sun is adrift and before they have to make really tough choices later they should make some pretty hard ones now. Dell 30″ Monitor vs. Apple 30″ Monitor | Alex King blogs about his choice of a Dell monitor vs. an Apple one. It's interesting, and I think it's something Apple is going to have to watch closely. People aren't going to go for Apple gear when it's twice the price and fewer features, no matter what it looks like. Server virtualization: Is it worth the risk? | IT Security | Why …

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links for 2008-12-23

First Look: FontShuffle puts FontShop in your pocket – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) Oh hell yeah. I might be a computer dork, photo dork, and a theater tech dork but I also am an amateur font dork, too. The right font sometimes means as much as the text content. This app doesn't have everything, but it's a start. this is project management lingo My favorite project management term in this post is "Come to Beavis meeting." Come to Beavis. Hehe hehehehe he hehe hehehe I have no idea how difficult my class is « Nickel Ramen Noodles "One student has recently learned that the shift key on the keyboard can turn letters from lower case to upper case." …

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links for 2008-12-17

F**k You, Penguin NSFW, but a funny blog where they tell cute animals off. 1700 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98122 to Gas Works Park – Google Maps Great directions from Google Maps — "kayak across the Pacific Ocean, destination will be on the left." Um, yeah. The Best Burglar Alarm in History "One such guy is an Australian named Peter who runs a website called TeslaDownUnder, which showcases all his wacky Tesla ways, or rather electrickery, as Peter calls it." Cool photos….

links for 2008-12-16

The White Balance Lens Cap at The Photojojo Store This is pretty cool, I think I will get one of these after Christmas.

links for 2008-12-13

Geek Love: Google exec Marissa Mayer engaged Awwww, there go my chances. 🙂 The case of the 500-mile email Matt at Standalone Sysadmin had this linked a few weeks ago (I'm just catching up on my RSS feeds from then). This is a great story, and I remember laughing with Trey Harris' original post . Actually, I'm also impressed with the stats folks for cataloging the symptoms so well. How long has your server been running? | The VMguy Ah yes, uptime wars. I wish I knew their IP addresses because you know they haven't patched anything in three years… That's all an uptime war is: an advertisement that you don't think security is important. The Old New Thing : …

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links for 2008-12-12

Estimate VirtualCenter database size from the VI Client | VM /ETC VM/ETC usually has good stuff, but if the database size estimator is news to you as a VMware Virtual Infrastructure admin you should be fired. Update: I figured that most VI admins would have known this already. I’m a big fan of Rich’s VM/ETC, didn’t mean to insult him personally (which I’m sure I just did). I figured it was a slow news day over there (I get those, too). Sun to upgrade its general purpose cloud computing facility (with xVM Server?) | “Sun has just temporary shut down its cloud computing facility at” Sun is adrift. Solaris lacks direction and purpose, their hardware business is floundering, …

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