How to Install a tftp Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

I install a tftp server about once every three years. As such I never remember what needs to happen, and this time a Google search didn’t have a nice answer for me. So, as my latest contribution to the world of HOWTOs, I present the non-idiot’s concise guide to installing and configuring a tftp server. As always if you have suggestions or corrections just add them as comments, and I’ll update the text here. This will give you the default /tftpboot directory. I assume that if you need a filesystem there you can handle adding one there on your own. 🙂 If you want to change the filesystem you can do that in /etc/xinetd.d/tftp, in the server_args field. Don’t forget …

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Mental Shutdown Alert: Living Document

Term that causes mental shutdowns: living document Rationale: Some glossaries state that “in a living document a topic is covered more completely over time” but I don’t see how that doesn’t apply to all documents. Aren’t all documents editable, with varying degrees of work required to edit them? It seems that the term “living document” is mainly used by people who want others to think print is dead. It just takes more time for the revisions to be published for printed material. When a document updates itself it can be dubbed “living” but until then it’s a mechanical turk, with me as the part that’s alive. Watch words: organic, ecosystems. What won’t make my head explode: refer to it as …

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links for 2007-10-29

Seth’s Blog: Permeability jwz – your money is full of lies! Interpreting Apple – Vox It’s interesting that within most organizations the world-changing things start out as a single suggestion from a single individual, often in a team far away from the actual product team. Apple appears no different. — Lunar Lander Challenge Ends in Fire, Disappoinment Bad news for John Carmack’s Armadillo Aerospace. Staph infection here to stay It’s the overuse of antibacterial cleaning products and antibiotics that created this problem. Oh, and while we’re at it I’d like to see the Intelligent Design folks explain how this isn’t evolution. Was the bacteria just waiting until now to strike back? HouseFront | Your Real Estate Search and Valuation …

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links for 2007-10-28

Joyeur: NetApp versus Sun, Sun versus NetApp, and Both versus Common Sense Excellent points. I suspect both companies will lose customers and marketshare when this is all said and done. 5 Reasons Why You Should Simplify What You Say, and How to Do It “Going on and on about something may be a way to show off your cleverness. Cleverness is overrated. It’s mostly a good way to feed your own ego.” Pug Monitor Cleaner (Shockwave) ROFL. ImaginEERIEing : Magic Mirror

links for 2007-10-27

VMware Tips Void After Midnight » G.M. Weinberg’s Secrets of Consulting A field guide to iPods – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) Getty Images – News Blog » Blog Archive » Documenting a “Planet in Peril” 24 Hours of Leopard: AutoFS – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) Hot damn, probably the one feature I want out of Mac OS the most — not dying if I forget to unmount a volume before I put my girlfriend’s laptop to sleep. Mac OS X 10.5: Time Machine doesn’t back up to AirPort Disks L-A-M-E. Evidence Based Scheduling – Joel on Software Interesting stuff here, tracking how far time estimates are off to help predict a ship date. » Graphics card cracks passwords …

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Ninety-Ninety Rule

“The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.” – Tom Cargill, Bell Labs

links for 2007-10-25 – The User Experience Flip Mode Interesting comparison between switching to Macs and wearing glasses that invert optical images. Emotions Run Amok in Sleep-Deprived Brains | LiveScience Could have told them this. When I sleep poorly I am crankier than hell. Jonathan Schwartz’s Weblog: ZFS Puts Net App Viability at Risk? It’s a powerful message when a CEO calls another company a troll and announces that they’re going to seek to remove all NetApp Filers from the marketplace. Sounds like someone kicked the wrong sleeping dog. Why Enterprise Software Sucks – (37signals) “Because the buyers aren’t the users.” – Amen. VMware ’shoddy’ and full of bugs; use the mainframe instead — Server Specs My bigoted, uninformed reaction: I like …

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Mental Shutdown Alert: Future-Proofing

Term that causes mental shutdowns: future-proofing Rationale: How can we future-proof anything if we can’t see the future? How will we know what to build, or how to build it, until we know the future requirements? To me, future-proofing is overengineering. It’s taking ten weeks to build a Space Shuttle Crawler when you needed to spend a week building a golf cart, just in case you need to move a Space Shuttle sometime. Watch words: anticipating growth, what if, just in case What won’t make my head explode: Keeping options open so future work is easier, but not doing the future work until it’s actually needed.

links for 2007-10-24

Flying Tankers inc. – the largest flying boats ever flown operationally “The ram pressure for injecting the water into the tanks is such that the aircraft is taking on water at a rate in excess of a ton per second.” – Need these things in San Diego, it looks like.