Disable GUIs and X Windows on Linux VMs

This is post #2 in my December-long series on Linux VM performance tuning, Tuningmas. I remember an old story about people having performance issues on their Windows servers. It would happen intermittently, and never when the system administrator was around. Turns out it was the pretty OpenGL screensaver, which would kick in and slow everything down tremendously. When the admin was around he’d be using the console of the server, so no screen saver, and no problems. Graphical user interfaces make one-off administration tasks easier in some cases, but for virtual environments they come at a cost: additional RAM and CPU overhead. For a virtual environment you should shut them off, or install as little of them as you need, …

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Align Your Partitions

This is post #1 in my December-long series on Linux VM performance tuning, Tuningmas. I wrote about it back in 2006, and lots of others have written about it since (Duncan Epping has a nice vendor-agnostic post with diagrams): misaligned storage trashing your I/O performance. What’s the big deal? In short, it is killing your I/O performance. Logical Block Addressing on your disk drive makes the Master Boot Record 63 bytes long. This means it occupies sectors 0-62 on disk, and the first partition will start at sector 63. The number 63 is a persona non grata in the computer world. It isn’t a power of 2, and it certainly doesn’t line up with your storage’s idea of the world …

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Dear Google: I'm Not Changing My SSID

Peter Fleischer, Global Privacy Counsel, Google: I’ve considered your offer to not add my wireless network to your location database in exchange for appending “_nomap” to the SSID. I am rejecting it out of hand and laughing at the idea that this is “greater choice for wireless access point owners.” To start with, I’m not going to reconfigure all the wireless clients I support. I’m sorry that Google is facing increased scrutiny, legislation, and legal action for raping the world’s privacy in order to sell things, but changing an SSID is a big deal for everybody. Doesn’t matter if it’s grandma’s little wireless network or a giant intercontinental wireless hotspot setup, it’s a big pain in the ass to “protect” …

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iTunes Match & iCloud Music Tips

I’ve been using iTunes Match since the developer releases, and these are a few things I’ve learned so far about the service. I’m excited by it, mainly because I’ve longed for a proper multi-iTunes sync for a long time between my work, home, and laptop computers, and I think Apple is doing this right for iOS users. 1. There are new “iCloud Status” and “iCloud Download” information columns in iTunes. If you right-click on the iTunes column header you can turn them on to see what iCloud thinks of your music. Statuses include: Purchased: You bought this track from the iTunes Store, and regardless of the original format if you (re)download it you’ll get a 256 kbps AAC file. Matched: …

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A Little Transparency Helps

In my past I’ve been a theatrical lighting designer. I’m not professionally trained, I just sort of picked it up by working with community theater groups. A friend who is a professionally-trained lighting designer once gave me a tip about darkness, in one of those situations where I was trying to illuminate only a small part of the stage for a particular scene: “Always leave some light on the rest of the stage. Humans get curious about what they can’t see, and they won’t realize it but they’ll spend a bunch of time watching the absolute darkness instead of what you want them to watch.” When I light a show I usually have some general “down” light available, so the …

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SSH Escape Sequences (aka Kill Dead SSH Sessions)

Did you know that when you’re using OpenSSH from the command line you have a variety of escape sequences available to you? SSH somewhere, then type “~” and “?” (tilde, then question mark) to see all the options. You should get something like: Supported escape sequences:   ~.  – terminate connection (and any multiplexed sessions)   ~B  – send a BREAK to the remote system   ~C  – open a command line   ~R  – Request rekey (SSH protocol 2 only)   ~^Z – suspend ssh   ~#  – list forwarded connections   ~&  – background ssh (when waiting for connections to terminate)   ~?  – this message   ~~  – send the escape character by typing it twice Most …

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Thoughts on the VMTN Subscription Idea

Mike Laverick has started something of a campaign to bring back the VMTN Subscription, which was something like the Microsoft TechNet or MSDN models. I’m a TechNet subscriber and for $349 I get access to most everything Microsoft has. For testing purposes this is great. I don’t have to spend a lot of time dealing with activation timeouts, I can just test things and leave the my own test environment up and running for when I want to test new VMware Tools, or whatever. I think that’s fair, since I buy real Windows licenses for every other VM that I have (dev, test, QA, production, etc.). Right now, if you want a test environment your options are to pay for …

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GNU Screen For Fun and Profit

My friends and fellow virtualization professionals Tim Oudin & Joep Piscaer & Paul Gear and some commenters reminded me that the perfect complement to SSH session instability is the GNU utility ‘screen’. Indeed, I’ve been using it for years, and I recommend it to everybody doing any significant work in an SSH session. As the FSF puts it, “screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells.” In short, it virtualizes your interactive shell session so you can disconnect from it and reconnect to it as needed. On Linux hosts it usually comes as a package, else you can download it from gnu.org and compile it. I’ve built it on DEC UNIX and AIX in …

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Keep SSH Sessions From Disconnecting

With the installation of new firewalls at work I’ve been getting disconnected a lot from hosts I SSH to, due to changes in the inactivity timeouts. It’s particularly inconvenient when I’m tailing a log that hasn’t changed in a while… and then the connection dies, and I don’t notice. Oops. It also happens in various other situations, like NAT through a home router, too. Let the connection sit for a while and you’ll have to recreate it. I could ask our network guys to change the timeouts, but it turns out there’s a better fix from the client side. SSH protocol version 2 supports server keepalive, essentially NOOPs sent to the server to keep the connection up. You can do …

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Why Does My Linux VM's Virtual NIC Show Up As eth1?

Got a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or CentOS, or Scientific Linux, or Oracle Enterprise Linux, etc.) 6 VM that won’t bring up it’s single network interface after you clone it? Get the following error when you try using /sbin/ifup to enable it? “Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.” When you use “/sbin/ifconfig -a” you see eth1 where eth0 should be? eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:56:9B:00:85             BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1           RX packets:812 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:214 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000           RX bytes:72509 (70.8 KiB)  TX bytes:28324 (27.6 KiB) lo        Link encap:Local Loopback            inet addr:  Mask:           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1           …

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