links for 2007-03-20

BBC NEWS | Health | Poor sleep clouds moral judgement I know I am crabby and make crappy decisions when I am sleep-deprived. Fujitsu Gives Its LifeBook Tablets Solid State Drives – Gizmodo Booya — having flash disks as primary storage is going to rock. How long until Dell ships this as an option in their servers? rsnapshot The Fishbowl: Sandwich Provider Protocol My coworkers and I often use terms like “pipeline stall” to describe restaurant operations when we aren’t getting our food.

links for 2007-03-19

Freakonomics Blog » If Crack Dealers Took Lessons From Walgreens, They Really Would Be Rich I Want This Shirt For My Son 10 day survival pack for your vehicle for just $25 by Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM Issue #104

links for 2007-03-18

leaving duke « journal/notes LicenseKeeper – Keep those serial numbers safe Sun’s stance on Linux · Virtual Infrastructure 411 – VMware, Virtualization, and More Alex is dead on — Linux is a threat to proprietary UNIXes, and relying on Sun or IBM to help you with Linux is a big risk. Creating Passionate Users: Is Twitter TOO good? Awesome piece on why Twitter is not good.

I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To No Good

My coworkers and I have a category of equipment, creation, or hack called “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.” Thanks goes out to Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Permanent entries so far in this category include the power draw-measuring extension cord with all the wires separated, and the extension cord I have with two male three-pronged plugs. Totally necessary, once. Temporary entries have been such things as a 100 foot Ethernet cable across the data center floor, or the server pulled forward on its rails, running, case open, with drives sitting wedged in the top, along with a power supply for them, extension cord across the floor to an outlet. Sometimes the fastest way out of …

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RHEL 5 and VMware VI3 Work Great

Red Hat released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 two days ago. I now have it running in my VMware VI3 test environment, and the VMware Tools install perfectly. The VM appears as OS type “Other 2.6.x Linux.” I’m using VMware Tools 41412, don’t know if that matters. If you have differing results let me know.

links for 2007-03-16

RIP Twitter (2007-2007) « web1979 Amen. A few months ago I mentioned that I see no point, no value in Twitter. Anybody that needs to know my status can check my IM status. Sphinx – Free open-source SQL full-text search engine Clean CSS – A Resource for Web Designers – Optmize and Format your CSS clonespy – Features Find duplicate files (I mention this in the notes so I can find it again with a search) Girl finds missing dog’s head in box on doorstep – WTF. Well, I guess I have had feelings like that for other people’s annoying pets, but geez. Someone’s been watching Seven.

DNS is Hierarchical. Use it that way.

DNS is a hierarchy. As part of the hierarchy you can have subdomains. Like, a lot of them, to, like, help organize things and stuff. If your company produces movies you could have Then for your latest thriller, “Craptastic.” Or, maybe you could avoid DNS altogether and have: Or Like, ohmygod! Also, if you have then the name is redundant and idiotic. No, really. It is. A simple test is if I have to type the same string of characters twice in a domain name you’re doing something wrong. Okay, that’s out of my system. Thanks for listening.


I think Alt-248 is one of the first things I discovered on PCs that is still useful today. I just typed it, mentally scoffing at that glorified cheat sheet Character Map. 🙂 I remember my glee when, as a pimply-faced seventh grader, I inadvertently held Alt down while I tried typing something on the numeric keypad of my XT. Out of some hidden world a character appeared, the degree symbol. Shortly thereafter, I knew a lot more about ASCII. So much of my knowledge is because of accidents I’ve been allowed to explore. So much of my creativity is because of raw materials I’ve been allowed to arrange. So much of my vision is because of experiences I’ve been allowed …

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links for 2007-03-14

Feld Thoughts – Daylight Savings Time is Stupid Yup. The more intelligent thing to do, IMHO, is to just move the whole year an hour ahead and be done with it. Nomadishere : Seeker of Truth » Blog Archive » A Note To Employers: 8 Things Intelligent People, Geeks and Nerds Need To Work Happily Seth’s Blog: Good is not almost as good as great Internet Outsider: ISPs Are Selling Your Clickstreams! This crap should be illegal.