No Way That This Blog is Rated G

“What’s My Blog Rated?” says I’m rated G: Yeah, um, WTF. I’m going to have to go ahead and disagree. 🙂 I saw this on Maitri’s blog, but her friend’s post is hilarious. At least to me.

links for 2007-06-22

numbr:: Auto expiring. FREE anonymous phone numbers for online safety. Operating systems are old and busted | The Register So now we’d have a new, specialized OS for everything? No thanks. Modern Drunkard Magazine Online: Andre the Giant 119 beers in six hours. Wow. | Couple blocked from naming their new son ‘4real’ I guess William Gibson’s character 3Jane wasn’t a citizen of New Zealand… Four hours upfront and then reevaluate – (37signals) This is very much in line with what I do, and encourage others to do. It’s hard to tell how much time something will take if you haven’t worked on it for a little while. But don’t spend too much time on it right up front.

How to Configure IPMI on a Dell PowerEdge running Red Hat Enterprise Linux

This is intended to help fairly knowledgeable people get IPMI working on their hosts so they can issue remote commands to their hardware. I focus on Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a Dell, but it is likely to work on other hosts, distributions, and OSes, too. This works for me on Dell PowerEdge 1850, PowerEdge 2850, Dell PowerEdge 1950, and Dell PowerEdge 2950 hardware. Dell PowerEdge 1650, 2650, and 1750 servers have an older implementation of IPMI which will let you issue commands locally, but not to these models over the network. Before you begin: The Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) is the thing that implements IPMI. It piggybacks on the first built-in NIC so you have to have that attached …

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Grammar Police, Round 2

Another day, another example of how people cannot handle grammar. One of my local newspapers managed to write an article about how the police now have the power to disperse people gathered in a local park. Except they used the word “disburse.” They have the power to disburse people. To disburse is to pay out funds. To disperse is to cause to separate and go in different directions. So there.

Audit By Shutting Stuff Down

Sometimes the only way to tell if someone is using something is to shut it off. You can send notices, post web pages, and announce in meetings that you’re going to take a web server down, delete an email alias, or decommission a server. The hour after you’re done someone will come up to you and need it turned back on. Or, sometimes it takes a month. Maybe I’m not saying the right words in my announcements. Maybe I should pore over tcpdump output to determine who is using something. Maybe I should trust my users less to know what they are doing. What I do know is that a trial outage will always be part of my plan from …

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links for 2007-06-21

New traffic ‘civil remedial fees’ will wallop the wallets of traffic offenders on Note to self: don’t live in Virginia. Rands In Repose: The Enemy I hate Randomizers. I really do.

Lamer, er, "La Mer"

I was looking for a photo in my gallery and I stumbled upon this, taken last December at the Union Square Neiman Marcus in San Francisco. My girlfriend tells me this is fancy stuff. Maybe you see why I’m skeptical.

Wrong Kind Of Cluster, Pal

My phone rings. Today I hate my phone. “Hi Bob. I’d like to talk about clustering if you have a minute,” says the guy on the other end. “Sure thing. What do you want to know?” I reply. “A customer of mine wants to use VMware to build a ROCKS cluster.” “In what way? For testing?” “No, production. They want to install it on virtual machines running in a VMware cluster.” …a few seconds pass… “You’re joking, right?” He’s got to be joking, I tell myself. “Why? I thought you liked VMware.” “VMware helps you drive utilization of your servers up, operating on the principle that most of your servers are sitting there doing nothing. That isn’t a true about …

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links for 2007-06-20

Data Center Strategies: Standards, We Don’t Need no Stinking Standards! Why is it that backup systems are ultra-proprietary? That, and they have the worst security of any enterprise applications. Thanks For Nothing, Documentation Group – Worse Than Failure Yup, standard EMC. – icon search engine – free icons for your project Yeah, but it doesn’t have an icon that looks like a steak, and that’s what I need for my project. AT&T to target pirated content – Los Angeles Times First, it sucks that I just switched to AT&T DSL. Second, this is like the war on drugs, which by all accounts has succeeded by limiting the supply and ignoring the demand. I guess we’ll just have to depend …

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links for 2007-06-19

SEO_Wordpress: Plugin to maximise search engine positioning in WordPress – The Science Creative Quarterly » THE SOCIAL NORM OF LEAVING THE TOILET SEAT DOWN: A GAME THEORETIC ANALYSIS mezzoblue § A Subpixel Safari YouTube – Conan – Triumph at the Tonys duplicity: Main eighty-eight miles per hour » Blog Archive » Preview as Screenshot Jabber connectivity from WordPress? Cool. MacGyver Tip: Dry out your soaked gadgets in rice – Lifehacker AirPower Home Find power outlets in airports. Clientcopia : Stupid Client Quotes