Let’s Just Keep An Eye On The Time

Double Quote“You’re asking me how a watch works. For now, let’s just keep an eye on the time.” – Alejandro, Sicario

I’ve enjoyed the eclectic roles Benicio del Toro has been playing these last few years. His appearance in recent space movies reminded me of this quote of his from the movie Sicario. Often enough in our own technological roles we are asked to explain ourselves, explain why something is the way it is or why we want it to be a particular way. How do you convey to someone in just a minute the years of school, decades of experience, days in noisy data centers, nights bringing systems back online, hours staring at configurations that are wrong and scripts that don’t work, dumb mistakes, clever moves, seemingly clever moves that were really dumb mistakes… all that led to this particular moment, this particular system design, this particular decision?

I kinda just want to tell them to keep an eye on the time.