34 Thoughts For 34 Years

  1. “Ask. What’s the worst thing that’ll happen? They’ll say no.” – Lynn Plankers
  2. You don’t learn anything until you have to fix something.
  3. Technology doesn’t fix “people” problems.
  4. Don’t look at the camera.
  5. “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” – Voltaire
  6. Many greetings are questions. Answer them.
  7. A true expert admits when he doesn’t know something.
  8. Swing for the fences, unless you like wasting time.
  9. “Bad decisions make good stories.” – Unknown
  10. People who want to be in charge probably shouldn’t be.
  11. It’s good to be alone from time to time.
  12. Always give credit.
  13. “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Edison
  14. If a tool doesn’t save you time throw it away.
  15. Familiarity definitely breeds contempt.
  16. Blend in until you decide the right way to stand out.
  17. Ask people what they think only if it is your intention to consider their thoughts.
  18. “He’s a nice guy” is not a defense against slothfulness.
  19. Nothing bad ever came from actually knowing the rules.
  20. People do change.
  21. It’s okay to have a conversation where you don’t look something up on the Internet.
  22. Be prepared.
  23. Life is too short to drink or eat things you don’t like.
  24. “When entrusted with a secret, keep it.” – 1001 Rules For My Unborn Son
  25. If everybody in the room was thinking it you didn’t actually need to say it.
  26. There’s just some stuff people will always have to figure out for themselves.
  27. A lock is pretty meaningless unless the door is closed.
  28. It’s easy to walk in a straight line. Pick a point you can see, then walk to it.
  29. It does not matter who did it first.
  30. The people that are your heroes don’t want to be treated like heroes.
  31. Make it easy to do the right thing.
  32. Friends are not to be collected.
  33. Tipping your bartender well is an investment.
  34. “Walk with your feet, not your eyes. Keep your head up.” – David Plankers

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