Links for March 23rd, 2011

  • “Virtues and Obstacles of Hardware-assisted Multi-processor Execution Replay” — if you want to know why VMware Fault Tolerance doesn’t support vSMP, this fairly complex paper tells you: there’s no good way to do record & replay on multi-threaded software just due to the complexity and non-deterministic nature of how CPUs execute code.
  • “Being Vulnerable to the Threat of Confusing Threats with Vulnerabilities” — good short paper encouraging people to know the difference between a threat and a vulnerability. For instance, one example he gives is that not having antivirus protection on a desktop is a vulnerability, while adversaries wanting to install malware on those desktops is a threat.
  • These “Historically Hardcore” posters are great. Too bad the people at the Smithsonian have sticks up their…
  • Put whole steaks in a big loaf of bread? Okay! This looks good, might have to try it.
  • “Although Wisconsin has a Democratic reputation these days — it backed the party’s presidential candidates in 2000, 2004 and 2008 — the state was dominated by Republicans for a full century after the Civil War. The Democratic Party was so ineffective that Wisconsin politics were largely conducted as debates between the progressive and conservative wings of the Republican Party.” Excellent op-ed from the UW-Madison’s own Dr. William Cronon.
  • Say what you want about Apple, but the fact that they have an escalation path for funny stuff, and would do something like this, seems pretty cool to me. Hopefully it isn’t just a rumor, as alleged.
  • Ivan’s post highlights something I’ve been thinking for a while: that being clever is, more often than not, a bad thing in IT.
  • “Each year, 40 million people worldwide undergo necessary testing with technetium-99m. If you’ve ever had a nuclear medicine procedure, the chances are high that what they put into your body came straight out of a nuclear reactor – and if they hadn’t put it into your body, it would have been considered nuclear waste!” Continued good information from the MIT Nuclear Science & Engineering folks.
  • An example of the original posters from the link above, with the Smithsonian logo. Via @excid3 and @bdha
  • “Assume SecureID is no longer effective.” Probably a good assumption, seeing as RSA is being very tight-lipped about what actually happened and what the consequences are.