Links for March 11th, 2011

1 thought on “Links for March 11th, 2011”

  1. First, I want to say that you always do a tohrough job of explaining these things and as a primary role as being the SME for support I find this kind of information the steak dinner to my appetite of knowledge anyways. We have been meeting with the engineering team and recently heard that they will be disabling LPE my guess is that the engineer may of been talking about LPS as I have not found any reference to this anywhere. He also stated that they would be looking at relcaiming up to 30% of their current memory (These are Nahalem host and this has been a hot topic). Now they also did this on a few other clusters and I didn’t see any improvement at all. They dont seem to be to concerned about the host ever coming to memory contraints. I also had a colleague tell me about enabling LPS in the windows guest which I have yet to look into. It seems that this is a decisions based on trade-offs depending on what you are willing to sacrifice and gain .

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