I’ve had occasion, over the last 24 hours, to change the logging level of my vCenter server. It’s been a little more crashy than usual, and I’ve discovered that a number of KB articles are not updated for vSphere 4.0 Update 2 or Windows Server 2008.
If you want to change the log retention policies, you can follow most of the instructions in KB 1004795 but there are two things I think you should know if you’re running on Windows 2008:
1. Your vpxd.cfg file and your logs are actually in:
C:ProgramDataVMwareVMware VirtualCenter
2. The XML stanza for the logging is commented out in 4.0 Update 2, so remove the <!– and –> lines to make it work. For example, make:
... <logName>CpuFeatures</logName> </level> <!-- <log> <maxFileNum>10</maxFileNum> <compressOnRoll>false</compressOnRoll> <level>info</level> </log> --> <vpxd> <das> ...
... <logName>CpuFeatures</logName> </level> <log> <maxFileNum>100</maxFileNum> <compressOnRoll>true</compressOnRoll> <level>info</level> </log> <vpxd> <das> ...
You may also want to change the compressOnRoll to ‘true’ as I did above if you are concerned about disk space usage.
This may seem obvious to a lot of people, but for those that only occasionally make changes to vpxd.cfg it helps to have been pre-warned about the differences. At least you’ll vaguely remember that something’s changed… 🙂