Vote On VMworld 2010 Content

Public voting is open now for VMworld 2010 sessions. I’ve already gone and voted for my own session, “Tuning Linux for Virtual Machines – TA8102,” in the Technology & Architecture track, as well as a number of other heavyweight presentations by Duncan Epping, Scott Drummonds, Mike Laverick, David Davis, Steve Chambers, Chad Sakac, Edward Haletky… I’m missing a lot of people in my list here, but the point is that there are tons of presentations by people who really know what they heck they’re talking about.

If you are thinking about going to VMworld this year you should go and pick the content YOU would like to see in the conference. It’s pretty rare that attendees get to help set up a conference in this way, so don’t squander it. You only have a week! Go!

If you’re on the fence about going, or don’t think that your company will send you, now is the time to start working on that. VMworld 2010 is the premier VMware conference and a great training opportunity on nearly every VMware-related topic available. You’d pay the same amount for a training class on a single topic. Plus, San Francisco is beautiful right around Labor Day…