VMworld 2010 Call For Papers: Last Day!

Today, April 2[0], is the last day to submit session proposals for VMworld 2010. Get them in, people! I’m looking forward to being educated and entertained by you all this year in San Francisco.

If you’re wondering what you need or whether you have time to do this, I submitted a session proposal and it took me about 30 minutes. You need to have a good description of your session, three takeaway points you want to convey, a short biography for yourself, a short description of your speaking history, and you need to know your own mailing address. 🙂 You don’t need slides or anything yet.

Get moving! Go go go!

Update: Apparently you have until April 9th, now.


[0] I’ve seen some posts indicating that the deadline is April 9, 2010, but the official web site’s “Key Dates” page indicates it is actually April 2, 2010.

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