Brian Childs is not a terrorist. He didn’t harm anybody, he didn’t harm any property. He detonated an explosive, not a bomb. If the People’s Republic of Minnesota wants to put him in jail they need to ban Mythbusters, too. Fear-mongering Communists.
Real hatefest going on in the comments, regarding the ZFS problems at Joyent.
This reminds me a lot of the strobe light system in use for emergency vehicles.
Potentially NSFW if you click, she’s a sex blogger. At a conference I basically don’t want to talk to anybody, famous or not, unless they’re holding a beer. In fact, that’s usually how I get to talk to people like that. “You want another?” works well.
I spent 20 minutes today just perusing old Red Meat cartoons featuring Bug-Eyed Earl. OMFG, no idea why I find them so funny.