Holidays, w00t

Hey all,

First of all I have to say thanks for another great year. I really enjoy writing here, and you folks have been great to me, encouraging me, and generally making me believe that I’m not just writing for myself. Not that I’d stop, of course, but it’s nice when someone is listening. 🙂 So thank you!

I’m off for the holidays. As with most vacations for me the lead-up to them is terrible, with the nailing down of loose ends being the key time sink. I’ve also had a couple of big presentations & proposals to make, so I haven’t been as attentive as I should be to my email. I know a few of you have emailed me, I’ll catch you sometime after Christmas.

So whatever holidays you’re in to, whether it’s Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, that old standby Christmas, or something else, please have fun and be safe.
