CIHost Sucks and I Need Another Host

If you’re thinking about hosting with CIHost: don’t. Not colocation, not hosted services, nothing.

Their Chicago data center has been completely offline all yesterday, and their ETA for resolution is basically indefinite now. Every hour it moves another hour out. This began yesterday as a mysterious power outage. Right now I suspect won’t be resolved until I go get my server, dispute the credit card charge to get my money back, and find a new colocation facility. This is the worst outage yet, but every couple of months the data center loses power, the network dies, etc. Lame but tolerable, until now. Now it looks like this is a lame way of saying “going out of business.”

Or, maybe I’ll just scrap the idea of having my own server and host somewhere else… Suggestions? I don’t want to spend a ton of money but I have a number of sites that need to be up most of the time. I also want control over the software on the box, so if I want a new version of Apache I can install it myself. Who are people using for colocation or hosted services?

7 thoughts on “CIHost Sucks and I Need Another Host”

  1. I use Host Gator ( for my shared sites. They have been really excellent for uptime and support. I don’t know about their dedicated servers, but if it is anything like the shared servers, you will be in good hands.

  2. I’ve read good things about Haven’t used them myself. HelpDesk (the comic strip) uses them.

  3. I’ve heard good things about slicehost as well. I’ve been using for about 2 years now and I’ve had no problems. Tech support is quick no noticeable outages. It’s shared hosting but their $5 plan is awesome.

  4. I have had a dedicated server with for 4 years and been very impressed with their service and support. I have not experienced any outages in that time. They have been bought by now service still seems to be good.

  5. I run a bunch of stuff at Dreamhost. You can get a dedicated server if you want but I just use their servers and their cool one-click installs.

    They have been very good.

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