Ah, Vacation

I’ve been taking a much-needed break from work over the last five days. It’s really amazing how my attitude can improve with a little rest. Of course, tomorrow represents the last of the vacation, but that’s okay. Vacation must end, so that a new vacation can start later, and the between-time reminds us of why we take vacations.

I sat today on the deck of a house, overlooking a few acres of pond, grass, and forest. I was actually doing work, but it was fine, because I had nature around me. Birds coming into the feeders, something causing all the red-winged blackbirds in the cattails to freak out, grass swaying, all of it intoxicating. All while I sorted out a spam flood on a mail server 300 miles away, and migrated a database.

I need an office in the woods.

I need to remember I’m totally pale, so that 30 minutes in the sun burns me.

I need to remember that I need to get out more.