Thanks VMTN

Thanks for the links, VMTN!

For those of you not familiar, the VMTN is the VMware Technology Network. VMware is a pretty cool company, all things considered, and the VMTN is their umbrella for all the community stuff. They’ve really done a great job fostering user groups and whatnot around their products. I know the Wisconsin VMUG is pretty sweet, and much of that is because of the excellent sales/support guys we’ve had over the last couple of years that really helped pull it all together.

They mention searching the forums for LBA, and finding a lot of data about the problem. For me, I’m not a big forum guy, and in talking with a number of other VMware admins in my area they aren’t, either. So it isn’t surprising that there’s a lot of talk about all of this in there that I missed. 🙁

One of these days I’ll stop writing about VMware and get back to other sysadmin stuff. It’s so hard to when there’s all sorts of new stuff going on. As the saying goes, though, strike while the iron is hot. 🙂