PBR = America

I had to laugh when it was recently pointed out to me that:

1. South African Breweries buys/merges with Miller.

2. InBev buys Anheuser-Busch.

3. Pabst, with no brewing capacity of their own, is left as the largest American brewer. Go PBR!

What strange times we live in. The silver lining when Miller succumbed was that ballparks serving Miller products started carrying other beers, too, providing relief for those who aren’t Miller Lite fans. I suspect that’ll be the case with Anheuser-Busch parks, too.

I wonder who is the largest, wholly-American brewer WITH brewing capacity…

2 thoughts on “PBR = America”

  1. I believe that the two largest breweries are Boston Beer (home of Sam Adams) and Yuengling (also America’s oldest). While Boston Beer makes about 40% of their beer under contract with various other mostly-American companies such as Pittsburgh, they make a bunch at their Cincinnati brewery and have a huge, newly operational plant (formerly a Pabst facility) in PA.

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