1001th Post

On August 8th, 2005 I started this blog. It is almost three years later and this is my 1001th post.

Of those 1001 posts, 364 of them were auto-posted from my del.icio.us bookmarks.

There have been 994 comments so far (thank you!) though some of those are my own replies, too. There have been 127,622 spam comments (no thank you), mostly all of them caught by Akismet (thank you).

I have uploaded 95 things to the blog, whether they’re photos or something else.

This blog is #1 in Google searches for “esxcfg vswitch,” and #2 in searches for “when you do things right people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.” I occasionally search for things in Google and get my own site as a result (four times). Better is when a coworker searches for something and gets my site (twice). Best is when a customer searches for something and finds my site, then sends me the URL as something I should read. Heh. It takes four minutes for posts here to appear in the Google search results.

According to FeedBurner I hit a consistent 2^9 readers, via RSS, a few weeks back (hello there!). I consistently get another 2^9 folks coming straight into the site from other sites and search engines, many from the VMTN and Planet Sysadmin aggregators. Exactly 50% of my readers use Google Reader.

So in conclusion, dear readers, thank you. I’ve really enjoyed this blog so far, and it’s really because of all you folks that read it, comment on it, tell me I’m wrong, tell me I’m right, tell me I’m nuts, invite me to conferences, drink beer with me, and basically make me glad I’m not just talking to myself. 🙂

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