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VMware Scale Up vs. Scale Out: The Big Picture

Duncan Epping and I were kicking around the whole scale up vs. scale out argument two nights ago on Twitter, which culminated in Duncan’s excellent post on the topic. Aaron Delp also posted some numbers (and a unicorn) where he also adds the consideration for Microsoft licensing. As a Linux guy I hadn’t thought about that style of Microsoft license, and I like that a lot.

While Mr. Epping was crunching numbers, so was I. I am firmly of the belief that scaling up is a better idea, because physical infrastructure and its management is not free. It isn’t cheap, either. You need to consider a lot of different things, including storage connectivity, network connectivity, KVM, power, and cooling. You can also throw in guest & application licensing, too, if it can be done per socket. There are also a bunch of costs that are hard to calculate, like staff time, and I omit them like many others. You can assume, though, that fewer hosts take less time to maintain, and less time doing maintenance means more time moving forward.

So I built a spreadsheet, of course, to flesh out some of what Duncan identified as other considerations. You can download it and tweak it yourself if you’d like. Here are the basic assumptions, building on his numbers (click for a larger version):

Those are my starting numbers, some of which are estimates, but I tried to be realistic. I assembled all these so that I could figure out what the five year cost might be of using:

All would have an H200, two 146 GB 10K disks as RAID 1, dual power supplies, a 5 year Next Business Day warranty (if you have spare capacity you can do this and save some money), and an Intel X520-DA 10 Gbps card in addition to the onboard NICs.

Would there be a big difference?

Note that in this spreadsheet I calculate both the number of hosts we’d need based on vCPUs as well as the number of hosts based on vRAM, and then use the maximum number out of that. Plus one, of course, because we need some extra capacity for HA & maintenance. Similarly, I compute the licenses we’d need based on sockets, as well as based on vRAM, and take the larger of the two to compute license and support costs. I apologize for not making it more clear, but I think the crowd is also tiring of the onslaught of numbers lately. If you grab the spreadsheet you’ll see what I’ve done.

There is definitely a savings, but it’s not nearly as profound as I’d expected, just $37,588 between the small server configuration and the medium-sized one. That’s definitely because of the numbers Duncan chose for averages, though. Altering the average CPU or RAM needs of the VMs makes the difference larger, and if we increase the consolidation ratio, fitting 8 vCPUs per core, you get a $66,770 savings. Lastly, if we amplify the savings by adding more VMs, like 600, you get $97,331. That’s respectable.

I encourage you to play with the spreadsheet yourself. As for this exercise, I can conclude and observe a few things:

Anyhow, I hope this has been useful to somebody. Let me know if you see any errors, or have any good thoughts on quantifying staff time saved as part of this process. I would love to be able to represent that.

A big thank you to the man himself, Duncan Epping, for proofreading, offering perspective, and all the conversation in between. I may be the Lone Sysadmin, but it’s definitely nice to be part of a team.

P.S. If you’re interested in where I got the energy numbers, I used the Dell Energy Smart Solution Advisor.

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