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VMworld US 2012: Day Two

Day two for me (Monday) was spent running around the Solutions Exchange, talking to vendors. The keynote was excellent, and it was nice to hear that my Enterprise Plus licenses are becoming vCloud Suite Standard licenses. vRAM is dead, too, which is nice. Didn’t make it to any sessions, but that’s okay. That’s what the other days are for! The vExpert meeting was excellent, and I appreciate the appreciation everybody has shown for my work. Thanks folks.

The evening was spent checking out CloudPhysics and talking with some extremely awesome startups & VCs. Serious stuff but fun, and I owe Frank Denneman a big thank you for including me (thanks dude). I followed that with the #vFlipCup tournament. I was recruited by the VMware Interns team as a sub, we won by an extremely narrow margin against the Dell guys, then I was replaced when I wandered off to get another beer. Oops, sorry ladies (and guy!). The team went on to win the whole tournament, and I’m very proud of them. I won’t mention any of them by name but I will say that VMware can be proud of their folks for engaging with the community and showing a great mix of responsibility and fun.

My running around hasn’t lent itself to taking a lot of photos, and I’m getting used to a new lens (a 28-300mm Nikon) but did manage to get a few of the hang space, the #vBrownBag sessions in the Communities Lounge, the Embotics guys are showing off their support for FCoTR, and Troyer is being himself, funny & animated.

This week has had a lot of announcements. I’m going to write more next week about all the vSphere 5.1 changes, VXLAN, VDP, SDDC, SDS, FBI, IRT, etc. This week is for data gathering and talking to folks!

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