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How To Increase Your "% Virtualized" Rates

The #VirtualizeDell tweet chat today got me thinking about what stops most virtualization implementations around 50-75%. These are just some thoughts on ways to kick things loose. @LethaW commented “[that some of them are] sneaky and underhanded, and I love it.” I took that as encouragement. Needless to say, your mileage may vary.

Problem: Physical hardware is required or requested by vendors.

Problem: App people want physical hardware because “it’s faster” or “it’s just easier.”

Problem: Physical hardware is “needed” because a vendor’s licensing is way more expensive for a virtual implementation.

Problem: Physical hardware is needed because someone wants to use a custom piece of hardware, like a line card or a licensing dongle.

Feel free to add more stuff in the comments. I always like conversations like this. :)

* Underhanded & sneaky. I take no responsibility for what happens if you use these ideas, but I suggest them wholeheartedly if the right way isn’t working.

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