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System Administrator Appreciation Day is One Week Away

I have to thank the SolarWinds crew for reminding me that we, as system administrators, have a holiday coming up. And in particular, bosses, managers, and other herders of nerds should be aware that July 29th is System Administrator Appreciation Day.

Yes, sysadmins. You know, those folks that tirelessly respond to pages at midnight. Those folks that come running when your CEO’s laptop has a virus on it. Those folks that virtualized all your servers and saved you lots of money. The folks that run your servers, and networks, and keep things in your data center calm and cool have a thankless job 364.25 days out of the year. Next Friday is a good excuse to thank them.

Every sysadmin is different, but if you’re looking for thoughts for a gift or a thank you here’s some small but meaningful things I like, that might give you an idea for your staff:

If you’re going to do the lunch or time off ideas you might want to warn them a few days in advance. Spoils the surprise, but also doesn’t waste a lunch they’d pack, and let’s ‘em make plans for the afternoon if they want to.

So, sysadmins and friends, here’s to hoping that your bosses and managers appreciate you every day of the year, but realize what a great opportunity they have this one day next week to say thank you.

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